Best wishes for a great year for everyone!
Random Thoughts From Barnett
Best wishes for a great year for everyone!
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Everyone!
Hope you have a good time with family and friends for Thanksgiving.
Plan to restart blogging soon. Sorry I haven’t blogged in a long time.
Due to a recent change by one of our third-party vendors, we have updated our privacy policy. Click here to read our new updated privacy policy.
We have been advised by our hosting provider that all web sites, including,, and, will be out of service on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 from 1 AM Eastern Daylight Time to 7 AM Eastern Daylight Time.
As part of a redesign of the web site, I have decided to move the web site updates from the front page of the web site to this blog. In this blog, I will discuss what changes I’ve made to my web site.